Thursday, September 10, 2009

nose for news

Now a days journalists are hungry for news. But very few will have the habit of follow up a story till the end.
In the days of blogs there is hardly any blogger who writes about a subject and continuously following it. Recently I was going through The Blogger is farmer from a remote village, but vivid reader.
Earlier in his post he wrote about search engines which was started by jews. He also mentioned that to counter the jews search engine there may be a new from muslims. And yes it there and gave the follow up in his blog.
Now tell me how many journalists or bloggers have this habit. Do not come in to a conclusion that you will have more time being a farmer at village. But the farmers will get hardly any time either in monsoon or winter or ?
We have to learn from this farmer blogger who also wrote about his memories of world tour on bicycle.
For more read

1 comment:

Unknown said...

really good blog by a farmer